Hives Symptoms


Hives Specialist Dr Tiffany YoungHives are pretty easy to identify as there are only a few symptoms that all hives sufferers experience. These hives symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

Doctor Recommended Hives Treatment



What Should I Do About My Hives?

If you find that you are experiencing any of these hives symptoms, please see our hives rash FAQs and hives treatment pages.


Keep in mind that these hives symptoms do not always appear in all hives outbreaks. You may have hives and only have itching with skin colored welts, while someone else may have bright red colored welts that cover large areas and burn intensely. No two cases of hives are the same from one person to the next, nor are the causes of hives the same for every person. That's why its not uncommon that hives symptoms will vary from person to person and from case to case. You may not have the same physical symptoms as your cousin, or best friend.


If you find that at any time your hives rash is causing your breathing to become labored and difficult, you should seek immediate emergency treatment at your nearest emergency room.


In addition, if you can identify what your triggers are, then you can avoid experiencing these hives symptoms in the future. Only 17% of hives rash suffers are ever able to identify their triggers though (and that is with extensive lab testing), so don't beat yourself up if you never do find your trigger and be sure you know how to treat hives when an outbreak does occur.